Make a Donation

MCQAG is a not for profit community organization, every dollar that is donated counts. The MCQAG committee is engaging expert witnesses in noise, traffic, planning and ecology to provide reports that will be utilized in submissions to government agencies and NSW Land & Environment Court if and when an appeal is lodged against any future expansion approval.

Below are the details on how to make a donation by Gofundme, cheque or bank transfer:


please follow this link to the MCQAG Gofundme page where donations can be made online using a credit card


please send any cheques to:

Martins Creek Quarry Action Group

PO Box 128

Paterson NSW 2421

Please include your contact details so we can provide you with a receipt

Electronic Funds Transfer:

Bank: Newcastle Permanent

BSB: 650 300

Account Number: 518117318

Reference: your initials and surname

If you would like a receipt please complete this online form and we will email you a receipt

thank you for your support