What can you do to stop this quarry expansion?
Firstly forward this page to all your friends. The more people connect, the more chances we have of success
Make an objecting submission online to the Independent Planning Commission before 5pm 15th November 2022, if you required assistance refer to our guide here for further detail.
Make a verbal submission to the Independent Planning Commission at their public meeting in Paterson, scheduled for 10am 7th of November 2022. Remember to register before 12pm Tuesday 2nd of November 2022 if you wish to speak.
Make sure you join our mailing list, just enter your email address at the bottom of the page
Sign a petition. perhaps get a page filled with your neighbours and friends
Put pressure on our State and Federal political representatives, write to them, better still telephone them, even better ask them for a meeting
Ask prospective election candidates for their position and support
Put a sign on your fence or window
Get a bumper sticker for your car and rubbish bin
Wear a t-shirt to show your support