Daracon are currently developing an Environmental Impact Statement in support of their proposed 1.5MMtpa expansion.
We've been asked several times over the past few months, what is going on with Daracon's EIS? At their Community Consultation Committee Daracon's consultants tell us it is still a work in progress.
Here is Daracon's minuted update on the EIS from their June Community Consultation Meeting;
Roads - Road assessment (Pavement Management Assessment Vehicle) has completed inspection; data collected is currently being analysed with report anticipated mid July
Survey - Complete
Civil - Have had discussions with NSW Office of Water, awaiting final quarry plan to finalise report
Acoustics - 3 rd assessment of assessing & dealing with quarry changes has been drafted
Traffic - This report is tied to the road assessment (Pavement Management Assessment Vehicle) report & is awaiting the report to be finalised
Environmental Engineer - Completed with report/presentation at May CCC meeting
Town Planning - The draft social & economic impact reports have been produced for review
Community Consultation - As per SEARs requirements, all agencies contacted – SEARs submissions clarified
Aboriginal Heritage & Historical - Both aboriginal and historical reports indicated there is nothing to report within the study areas
Rail Report - completed
Visual - Draft complete and being reviewed in conjunction with changes as quarry plan develops (i.e. landscaping treatments)
Geotechnical -Road component completed
Geologist - Resource calculations continue
Ecologist - Updated SEARs provided re Framework for Biodiversity Assessment. Cameras on site monitoring Spring, summer, autumn & winter surveys will be included
Bare in mind extractive industry Environmental Impact Statements can take a year or two to complete.
When it is completed it will be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and once accepted it will be placed on public display for 28 days, this will be the communities opportunity to comment on the proposal ... yes that's right we get an opportunity to get involved in the process!