The MCQ CCC was convened for the first time by Daracon since December 2015. At the meeting Daracon presented three documents outlined below;
1. A table of issues raised in October 2014 and how these have been addressed by Daracon
2. A table of how the consultation process has resulted in changes to the proposed development and EIS
3. A letter responding to questions on notice from MCQAG
The information presented by Daracon attempts to dismiss issues raised at the CCC over the past 12 months and seeks to infer that the proponent has resolved all issues raised through this consultation process.
When questioned at the meeting, Daracon confirmed the peak rate used in the EIS is 80 truck movements per hour 13 hours per day, 6 days per week. Daracon confirmed the EIS has made no allowances to mitigate early morning impacts nor impacts to rural, village and urban amenity along the haulage routes.
Attendees were also informed that the draft EIS is being submitted to the Department of Planning in the next 5 to 7 days for an “adequacy test” as we understand it the adequacy test is where the department will review the information provided by the applicant to ensure that adequate detail is available on the proposal for members of the community and other stakeholders to understand the proposal. If the information is adequate it will be placed on public exhibition, if it inadequate it will be returned to the proponent with a request for additional information.
Based on the level of detail and the lack of real consultation during the development of the EIS by Daracon to date we presume the adequacy test will find the EIS to be deficient and require additional information before it is placed on public.
We will keep you posted on this.